Top Content Marketing Trends to leverage this 2023

When it comes to marketing content is the king and the queen. Brands that have invested in content marketing in the past are ripping their fruits currently. Marketing is a web that consists of different strategies, one that may fit a particular business at a given time may not be relevant to another. A good marketing strategy is about being present at the right platform and the right time both these things are crucial for it to be effective. Being able to anticipate the platform and the change in trends will help you to stay at the top of your marketing game.

Some marketing strategies keep the audience-centric, it keeps their needs and wants at the center and that is also the main reason they keep on changing so that they can meet the user’s needs. Content marketing is one such marketing strategy. However, some methods remain the same. But before understanding the different trends let us understand them better

  • 60% of the marketers say content marketing is extremely important in the overall strategy
  • 38% of marketer publish new content weekly
  • Content Marketing generates a 6x higher conversion rate and has the potential for a 7.8-fold boost in web traffic.
  • Compared to outbound tactics, content marketing cost 62% lesser but generates 3x as many leads
  • 70% of consumers prefer to learn about a product from an article.

Social Media Metrics

2014 was the year when social marketing must have started. In 2023? It is one of the most effective marketing strategies.

Which travel, lifestyle, or Fashion brand exists today on Social Media platforms without a vibrant online presence?

If you are not monitoring your content, you might as well stop investing in it.

Few social media metrics to measure are:

  • Awareness- The amount of reach your content had.

Great Marketers measure, manage and tweak.

  • Engagement-The amount of likes, comments, and subscribe you had.

Today’s social media marketing is about comments, shares, and action, basically engagement with your stuff and conversions.

56% of marketers rely on engagement, while 21% on conversion data.

  • ROI-Conversions and referrals from external sources. 

Content Marketing:2023 Current Trends

  • Building content communities 
  • Going live on social platforms
  • Improving content experience
  • Content-driven Personalization
  • Doubling down on SEO
  • Featured Experts.

Building content communities

It is not a surprise that this is the top trend in content marketing. There are in total 24 million e-commerce stores out there, this gives you an idea of how crowded and difficult it is to get noticed.

Community marketing is about engaging with customers and building trust and loyalty. It is about building communities specifically around content sharing and creation to expand their reach, even with fewer resources. The benefit of expanding your brand’s reach with a community is that you tap into their massive audiences on platforms such as Twitter, Linked In. Expanding your reach is not just a great way to raise your brand awareness but also helps your audience to feel inclusive. Whether it is through social media, your blog or a webinar audience loves this sense of community belonging, it makes them feel valued. 

Features of Building content communities are:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Webinars
  • Community downloads.

Going live on social media platforms

Video is the most effective form of content marketing. Going live on Facebook or Instagram is 178% higher effective than average engagement and it increases social media traffic by 213%. According to Facebook reports audiences to watch live videos 3x longer than those that are pre-recorded and according to LinkedIn live videos get 24x as many comments.

Improving content experience.

Content marketing strategy is not something that has just started it ages back to when marketing must have started. With time it has undergone a lot of changes and in the year 2023, the key focus is on content experience by introducing interactive content or better UX.

This means only good writing is not important. The different things marketers need to adapt and work on are:

  • Video production and editing
  • Graphic design, illustration, and editing
  • Audio editing and production skills
  • Content optimization
  • Communications and branding. 
  • SEO, strategy development, and running campaigns.

Content-driven personalization.

The process of tailoring content that is visible to the customer based on their profile or preferences.’’


Researches show 84% of consumers say being treated as a person, not just a number helps them trust the brand and 59% business says that tailored engagement has helped them in increasing sales.

Every customer who comes to your business website is at a different stage of buying the product. Your content should be such that it caters the need of all and further take them to next step.

Brands are moving away from company-focused content and towards content that is tailor-made. Relevant to them.

Doubling Down SEO

Some marketing trends never wear out but fall in and out of focus. A high-quality SEO continues to be a critical piece for content marketing in 2023. SEO will capture long-tail keywords and continue capturing niche creating content that would be more engaging.

This means planing a solid SEO strategy and digging into keyword research will be even more important for an effective content strategy.

Featured Experts.

Collaborating with experts that in a way lends credibility to your content helps you to stand out. 85% of customers look for expert content before buying anything. Additionally, 67% of the customers say unbiased expert endorsement makes them consider a brand, that is why involvement from a featured expert could benefit your content’s performance.

There are more strategies to the above list. Example Artificial intelligence, voice search, remarketing, and passage indexing are all likely to have a great impact on content marketing in 2023.

While these are all just a compilation of data and trends they do not guarantee a successful marketing strategy. There has also been enough data to show us how sometimes these trends can flop or die.

Instead of chasing these trends blindly always do your research, run a few on trial on your brand observe your previous marketing strategies and which have worked for your brand.

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