Finding The Right Digital Marketing Consultant For You

Digital marketing agencies help you to solve a lot of your marketing strategies issue, they make your business online and help you with marketing strategies such as social media, PPC, email, content, SEO.

Digital marketing agencies help you to solve your marketing challenges and helps you to set clear goals. However, choosing the right marketing agency is no small task. The first and foremost important thing to know is your desired outcome from it. 

Every business has a different set of challenges, and so is every digital marketing agency. Digital marketing agencies provide their expertise in few marketing strategies, while some of them do provide services according to your project type.

The first step in choosing the right marketing agency for you is understanding your goal and your expectations from your marketing agencies. It easier to break these goals down to deliverables, the goal of those deliverables, and your outcome. Knowing these things will help you to communicate your goals to your marketing agency.

Understanding these three points with the help of different marketing strategies

  • Through blog posts

You want content marketing for your business that runs on autopilot 

Deliverability: marketing plan, timeline, strategies, and system

Goal: attract target audience through your content, using the right keywords

Result: increase in click-through rate.

Having these things clear in your mind you can start looking for companies that fit your criteria.

    • Through Viral Videos

Creating videos for different social media platforms with the help of a digital marketing agency

Deliverability: a series of videos on different social media platforms

Goal: To increase your followers on these platforms

Result: a series of videos related to your product/services.

Thus when you know what you want from your marketing agencies it becomes easy for you to find one.

It is important to understand what services does marketing agencies provide you with, and their field of expertise in those strategies.

  • Market Research

Before you decide on any marketing strategy you first need to understand your target audience. If you don’t do so any great marketing strategy would fail to achieve your goals. 

  • SEO

Getting your product to rank high in search isn’t about building “brand awareness” or getting more page views. There’s more to it. By getting your content to rank high in search, you’ll be able to capture potential customers at the perfect time.

  • Web Design

In addition to helping you solidify your marketing strategies, a digital marketing agency helps you with web designing services. A good website can set you apart from your competition. Having a website in today’s time is like having your place of work where you can display your products

  • Email Marketing

Every $1 spent on email marketing generates $51 in return. Email marketing generates the most amount of ROI as compared to other marketing strategies. A digital marketing agency provides services like list building, customer engagement, segmentation.

Over and above these strategies other marketing strategies to consider are:

Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing, Video Advertisement. Social Media Marketing and many more according to your business type.

What are your digital marketing agency’s KPIs?

Most businesses track vanity metrics- a number that seems like they matter but no ROI is generated from it. For example, the number of “likes” on your social media post may increase but your followers don’t.

Many a time marketing agencies may charge you with premium rates and may not deliver strategies accordingly.

Hence here are some KPIs or metrics you should consider:

Number of Unique Visitors:

Depending on your other marketing funnel, a boost in traffic could be a boost in your conversion rate. This number can significantly help you to achieve your sale targets.

Time Spent on Site:

The number of minutes the customer spends on your website helps you to figure out what your prominent buyer is interested in. This also depends on how user-friendly your website is and page speed, because ultimately it is the experience that matters.

Traffic Source Numbers:

This is a crucial part of understanding your marketing strategies or planning marketing strategies. For example, if you know that your highest amount of traffic is coming through social media platforms you would invest more in that marketing strategies. This number also makes you understand your audience better.

Bounce Rate:

This helps you to understand your conversion rate. A high bounce rate indicates that your conversion rates are low. 

Cost Per Click:

Cost Per Click(CPC) is a purchasing model for paid ads where you pay each time your ad is clicked. The success of it depends on factors like where you are displaying your ads.

Click-Through Rate:

Click-through rate(CTR) measures the number of times your ad has been clicked in comparison to the number of times it has been viewed. A low CTR means you need to understand where exactly your target audience is and thereafter work on your marketing strategy.

Criterias you should check on before hiring your Digital Marketing Consultant

Your marketing agency should provide you the following services:

    1. Market study and research

    1. Strategy Planning

    1. Campaign Execution

    1. Reviews and Results.

Very few marketing agencies would hold their expertise on all the four fields, you should identify the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing agency and understand whether they are in consciences with your business goal.

Once you have retained the services of a digital marketing you should go through few process so that both of you can understand your goals better

Step 1: Performing a SWOT analysis. This SWOT analysis helps you to get a clear understanding of your marketing strategies.

Step 2: Define SMART goals. Set clear goals that will align with your business.

Step 3: Identify your target audience. This gives you a clear idea of which platform you plan you marketing strategies on.

Step 4: An SEO and SEM expert will help you run a technical analysis of the domain 

These are few steps which will help you to form a better bond with your digital marketing agency and help you both to work as a team.   

Before you decide on which marketing agency you are hiring, make sure you understand different marketing campaigns relevant to your business.

Things to keep in mind:

    • Understanding your target audience on a deep level

    • Understanding the tools you need to run those marketing campaigns

    • Staying consistent with your marketing efforts.

    • Producing high-quality content.

A digital marketing agency helps you to generate ROI through your marketing campaigns. The right marketing agency helps you to generate millions of dollars of revenue. They can handle the systems, processes, and workflow that go to make a successful marketing campaign.

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